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Control to avoid complexity and budget overruns

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The beauty of Beawre is that it integrates continuous risk management into our daily operations. This allows us to foresee unwanted incidents in real-time. For us, this is a game-changer in enhancing planning accuracy.

Marc Salses Huerta, Project Engineer, CELSA Group



Beawre has created the first solution based on our unique algorithms and AI techniques for continuous risk control related to workflows. With Beawre Control our customers can minimize reaction time and improve quality in decision-making processes in large capital projects, and improve awareness helping them understand and predict the level of risk and automating workflows, reducing manual procedures. With Beawre Control, your organization can reduce budget overruns and delays.


Digitize any workflow

Create your repository of business processes using BPMN v2.0


Link to any third-party tools

Synchronize data with any other tools or data sources you may use


Identify risks on your workflows

We support you in identifying your risks over your processes


Solve data fragmentation

Connect your program with documents, etc. for a global risk assessment


Enable AI-driven prediction

Beawre predicts how workflows will evolve and assess risks automatically


Catch workflow rules violations

Detect bottlenecks and delay causes to inform third-party negotiations


Prioritized tasks based on risk

Focus on tasks with higher risk severity in real-time based on predictions


Live impact & what-if analysis

Control risk over program caused by documentation or other assets

Case Study: How Ferrovial uses AI for next level Lean Project Management

As passionate as we are to transform continuous risk management in the construction sector, we invited Oriol Ribas, Country Manager at Ferrovial Construction and former ITER Deputy Project Director, to participate in the first Digital Transformation webinar organized by Beawre. Oriol has more than 20 years of experience managing construction projects in Spain, UK and France. They started using Beawre Control in 2019. We asked him to share his view on the main challenges around project management in megaprojects. In this post, we are happy to share the main insights Oriol shared with us through this webinar.


Control workflows' execution risks in real-time

Understand what are your highest risks at any time in minutes instead of hours or days.


Let AI help you prioritize work and focus on relevant tasks

Our AI algorithms understand your workflows' status and suggests what action should be taken next in real-time, to minimize risks and avoid budget overruns and delays

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Engineering Manager


  • I detect risky consents earlier. I can finally focus on actual priorities

  • I save hours of conversations with engineers

  • I know who is the owner of the next step. 

  • I automate processes and eliminate human errors produced by manual data entry

No surprises: predict if documents or consents will not make it in time

Understand in a single visualitzation what non-physical assets such as documents or consents will delay tasks in the schedule.


Get to know who is blocking your workflows and why

What workflows are blocked by subcontractors, the clients or your own team? Learn ownership in a case-by-case basis 

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  • I detect risky consents earlier. I can finally focus on actual priorities

  • I save hours of conversations with engineers

  • I know who is the owner of the next step. 

  • I automate processes and eliminate human errors produced by manual data entry

Consent Manager

Predict workload in next weeks

How many documents will I receive from subcontractors in the following weeks/months? How many of them will I need to report to my client for approval? How many consents will I need to request to external authorities? Get a schedule of upcoming events with related risk level.


Doc Controller


  • Risk-awareness allows me to prioritize documents

  • I understand what documents affect the critical path in the program at any time

  • I anticipate what documents will generate issues and mitigate risks contacting relevant colleagues earlier


Connect your project schedule with your other assets

Using different tools to manage your program and your documentation or consents schedule? Connect tools through our solution and have global control of the impact of changes in the program 


Project Planner


  • Now I know what tasks are related to what assets in the project (documents, permissions, etc)

  • I understand the impact of a changes in the schedule

Control subcontractors, efficiently coordinate with your client

Predict if there is a risk of a subcontractor delivering late or if your client or other third parties, such as external authorities, are taking too long to approve documents or consents, using historical data.


Project Director


  • I know actual delay causes and I can avoid future delays

  • Better project awareness allows for better decisions

  • I can better negotiate with subcontractors and clients

* Fictional names are used to characterize user roles

Identify risks related to your workflows

Predict if there is a risk of a subcontractor delivering late or if your client or other third parties, such as external authorities, are taking too long to approve documents or consents, using historical data.


Support compliance with quality standards like ISO 9001:2015

Quality standards like ISO 9001-2015 define a process approach and encourage risk-based thinking, where the management process has to integrate processes and measures. Beawre Control makes this possible.


Beawre’s solution brings enormous management capacities for the whole organization. We can definitely improve our reactivity, and thus reduce budget overruns.

Oriol Ribas, Country Manager, Ferrovial

Reduce delays and budget overruns

Beawre offers a SaaS-based Continuous Risk Control for workflows. Our innovative solution monitors each workflow in real-time and recalculates risk severity automatically, using AI-based predictions. There may be thousands of concurrent workflows running in parallel. We monitor all of them and let your organization understand the actual operational status. Our solution makes it possible to automate manual processes according to the workflows' evolution or mitigation actions for a certain detected risk. We provide business intelligence and reports to make you risk-aware.


Beawre’s solution does not change your digital ecosystem or modify your workflows. We connect to your ecosystem, adapt to your workflows, and provide value on top of them. 


Based on this information and AI models, Beawre's solution predicts what is going to happen in the current workflow and automatically establishes the level of risk in real-time, for your organization to make the right decisions at any moment.



Our solution can interoperate with pretty much everything. Our solution connects to the existing digital tools and communication channels, including program management tools, documentation management tools, spreadsheets in shared repositories, or even unstructured data in your e-mails. Our solution uses the notion of evidence collectors, that gather data to understand workflows evolution. We adapt these connectors to your needs. Let us know what you need!


Some of the tools we are interoperable with today are:



Integrates with third-party tools including project management tools, documentation tools, etc, through e-mails or APIs.


Adapted to your processes and requirements. Our solution is reconfigurable if processes or requirements change, ensuring continuity and longevity.


Offered as Software-as-a-Service, thus new improvements and features are added continuously, in a transparent way.


Used the most innovative technology for risk management and prediction, collaborating with the research community to leverage the best ideas.


AI by itself may just be a buzzword. From clustering algorithms to the most sophisticated Deep Learning techniques, they all fall under the AI category. We adapt the AI algorithms to each customers needs. For many of our customers, explainability is essential. If they make a decision based on the level of risk they need to understand how this was computed. Some other customers prioritize accuracy over explainability. In other contexts, the amount of data may be large and more sophisticated AI techniques, like transformers, can be used to learn aspects of your ecosystem. In some other cases, less data is available at the beginning and you need to resort to statistical approaches first, and let our solution to automatically switch to more sophisticated options when enough data is available to train better and more accurate models. We have decades of experience in this field, let us help you understand the best approach for you.

Do you want to know more?

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